New Procedures for Visitors, Parents, and Guardians Please review our new procedures for all visitors to Chaffey High School.
Summer School Transportation Please complete the Summer School Transportation Interest Form if you are interested in transportation for your summer school student(s).
Trades & Apprenticeship Night Please join us on March 9th at Alta Loma High School from 5:30pm-8:00m for our Trades & Apprenticeship Night.
Drug Abuse Recognition Parent Presentation Please join us on Tuesday, January 24th from 6:00pm-7:30pm at the Chaffey District office for an informative presentation on Drug Abuse Recognition.
Free Online Classes - Chaffey College Dual Enrollment Program Interested in getting a head start on college while you're still in high school? Sign up for free online classes for spring semester at Chaffey College.
ELAC Meeting Please join us for the English Learners Advisory Committee Meeting on September 21st at 9:00am in the Library.